Members and roles

Invite other people to your Baseten workspace so they can collaborate on models.

Invite other people to your Baseten workspace so they can collaborate on models.

Workspaces on the Startup plan are limited to five users. Contact us if you need to invite more than five users to your workspace.

Roles and permissions

There are four workspace roles:

The first account on a workspace is that workspace's owner and has all admin privileges.

Inviting members

To invite new members, you must be a workspace admin or owner.

Invited members will receive an email prompting them to create a Baseten account and join your workspace.

Automatically inviting members

With automatic invites enabled, when someone creates a Baseten account using an email address from your organization, they can request to join your workspace. An admin or owner must approve each automatically invited member.

Imagine there is a workspace owned by with this feature enabled. The automatic invite flow is as follows:

  • New Baseten users and sign up for accounts

  • They request to join the existing workspace

  • receives an email notification and approves the requests to join from his admin account

To enable this feature, contact us at and we can set it up for you.

Changing member roles

To change member roles, you must be a workspace admin or owner.

Removing members

To remove members, you must be a workspace admin or owner.

Removed users will receive an email letting them know they've been removed and will immediately lose all access to the workspace and its resources.

Last updated